SWAMS Boodjari Moort provides. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are being urged. As an organisation, we continue to attract and employ culturally appropriate and professional staff members.

During the course of providing medical services , we may collect further personal information. This could include, but is not limited to such eHealth services such as electronic transfer of prescriptions (eTP), My Health Recor eg via Shared Health Summary, Event Summary. The organisation provides the community and surrounding areas with culturally appropriate medical services while promoting a holistic approach to good health and healthy lifestyles in a culturally safe.
Our main clinic is based in Bunbury, in addition to our outreach clinics located in Manjimup, Busselton, Collie and Brunswick Junction. Kwilenap, our Maternal and Child Health Clinic is based in Australind. Our services include general medicine, chronic disease management, midwifery, child and maternal health, immunisations, sexual and reproductive health, mental health services, playgroup, health education, youth.
Starting with three employees, the organisation has grown to over staff across a vast range of clinical and non-clinical positions. Email address Required field. Skip to main content. SOUTH WEST ABORIGINAL MEDICAL SERVICE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REPORT.
General practice service. ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS. Since then, KARI has further developed our services. Welcome to SOAHAC ~ We provide high quality, wholistic health and wellness services by sharing and promoting traditional Indigenous and western health practices. Services include: Outreach location for Street Doctor and associated medical and psychological services.
Information and referrals. We also have an aged care facility, family and child safety services , social and emotional wellbeing and a youth service. To assist in bridging the gap between cultural and mainstream services.
To provide services that offer support, care and education. Services are provided to Indigenous (First Nation, Métis, Inuit) people and their families, living on and off-reserve, in rural areas, and the urban Indigenous communities in London, Windsor and Owen Soun as well as surrounding First Nation communities. A variety of outreach services are provided on location in the communities. Open today 9am - 5pm.
Find metropolitan aged-care services for. Even if your symptoms are only mild it is recommended to get tested. Help keep our Community safe. Healthdirect Free Australian health advice you can count on. If you need urgent medical help, call triple zero immediately.
Australia is a free service where you can talk to a nurse or doctor who can help you know what to do. For more information, visit the CMSAC website. Sydney South West Area Health Service (N.S.W.).

Department of Health.
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