Monday, July 27, 2020

Repairers of the breach

Drawing on the unfinished work of the Rev. Barber, II, President and Senior. Repairers of the Breach P. We believe that offering life-saving, life-sustaining, and life-restoring services is key to self-reliability.

What is a breach repair? Are You a repairer of the breech?

Our Mission: To combat homelessness by offering life-saving, life-sustaining, and life-restoring programs. Rekindling a prophetic moral vision for justice, social change and movement building. The repairers of the breach are labors in the hands of Go to loose the bonds of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, and break every yoke that binds mankind in sin. We are overjoyed with the direction that God has set our ministry on!

Bridge Church 3views. The Lord has sent us messages for this time to establish Christianity upon an eternal basis, and all who believe present truth must stan not in their own wisdom, but in Go and raise up the foundations of many generations. These will be registered in the books of heaven as repairers of the breach , the restorers of paths to dwell in.

It requires strengthening the area where the breach occurred. A breach is a gap in a wall, barrier, or defense.

In warfare or agriculture, a breach is a place where the enemy comes in to destroy or where the sheep break out and get lost. John Zehring has served United Church of Christ congregations for years as a pastor in. When your walking the bridge of restoration, you seem to be doing fine, until you reach the breach. English dictionary definition of repairers.

This week the nights burst at the seams as police and other agencies send homeless men and women to them for shelter. Executive Director James West commente The homeless are in bad shape. Some come with no coats, no good shoes, and all are in need of a shower and clean underwear. WE will be the ones to rebuild the ancient ruins. This is an excellent word by Francis Frangipane and what we are called to do.

Please remember us in your giving this year. We are a FOR-PROFIT organization, therefore, your contribution will NOT be tax-deductible. That breach was a lack of fidelity to God’s Word. As there was a breach in Judah, there is a breach in the church today.

We have pushed the Bible aside and embraced new fads, and new philosophies. This breach is not new but it has been long standing, slowly evolving until the crack has grown into a complete rupture. The last couple of verses in Ephesians deal with conduct. How to handle Anger, Stealing, Your Speech, Grieving the Holy Spirit, and Slander.

Let us invite those without enough to eat to God’s table. May we be calle as Isaiah sai “ repairers of the breach , restorers of streets to live in.

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