Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Federal it shared services strategy

From the outset of this Administration, President Obama has recognized the unique power of technology to streamline government services , cut waste and duplication, save taxpayer dollars, and drive efficiency across the Federal government. The Office of Management and Budget issued a shared services policy Friday designating four initial agencies as leads on governmentwide standardization efforts around technology and other common solutions. This memorandum is a strategy based on industry experiences, and lessons learned from other central governments that will reduce duplication, improve accountability, and improve Federal shared.

We know the importance of planning. We understand the key considerations for transition, and we are able to collaborate with our clients during operations to successfully implement our recommendations.

Cloud Computing Makes Consolidation More Likely “The idea was to nudge people toward working in a common system. To begin at the conclusion, Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel has given CIOs an enormous assignment in a strategy that promises to change the IT landscape in a big way. To that en Kent also said that the administration has a very conscious focus on ensuring. It provides organizations in the Executive Branch of the United States Federal Government (Federal Agencies) with policy guidance on the full range and lifecycle of intra- and inter-agency IT shared services, which enable mission, administrative, and infrastructure-related IT functions.

With over $ billion in IT spen ding annually, a strategic vision of how HHS will deliver IT to enable mission programs, grants, and other goods and services is crucial. The federal government is taking another run at consolidating some basic business practices across agencies, and experts say that new technologies and improved governance could give this latest iteration a better chance of success. This latest effort to create a shared services ecosystem aims to lower costs and ensure best practices while delivering modern infrastructure across a range of business needs.

That strategy recommended a phased approach for implementing shared services, (e.g., “crawl-walk-run”) beginning with intra-agency commodity IT to allow agencies to gain proficiency, and then evolving to support and mission IT areas. For Federal agencies, Avue is one of the few available HCM Software-as-a- Service (SaaS) providers and is the only Level provider. Once fully utilize total savings and cost avoidance are estimated at $billion per year. The US federal government has been on the shared services journey for quite some time.

If executed properly, shared services can allow agencies to better focus on their mission, achieve cost savings from fewer duplicated functions across the government, and improve standardization and internal controls. The shared - services entity must be able to compete vigorously with outside vendors. Components of a strategy and contingency arrangement may include, but are not limited to, maintaining service level agreements (SLAs), strengthening contractual agreements, re-alignment of critical shared services within the corporate structure, and plans to substitute critical shared services during resolution. One area that has been a particular focus for government sharing has been administrative systems.

VanRoekel wants agency CIOs to break out of the old habit of deploying software and servers every time they have a new requirement and instead make. Improving federal cybersecurity is a key initiative of the Administration and an integral part of the mission for all federal agencies. GSA plays a strong leadership role in providing innovative cybersecurity products, services , and programs to our customers. Setting a clear direction for the next ten years. A Brilliant Civil Service.

Strategy Board Working Session 2. The draft strategy is open for public comment.

This document provides the Federal Government with the strategies to innovate more with less, and enable entrepreneurs to better leverage government data to improve the quality of services to the. Washington – Today, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum announcing the Administration’s updated approach to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations through adopting shared services. The memorandum titled “Centralized Mission Support Capabilities for the Federal Government” helps eliminate duplicative efforts, consolidate. Shared services will create efficiencies in government and optimize the workforce by shifting resources to higher value work and reducing duplication across agencies Goal Statement To create a mission-driven government with modern technology and services that enable the workforce to better serve the American taxpayer.

The Provider Assessment program supports federal goals to increase efficiency across the government through the adoption and migration to shared services , and the modernization of HRIT solutions. General Services Administration, Human Resources Line of Business Shared Service Center. The HR LOB Program Office has collaborated closely with federal customer agencies and the HR LOB providers to develop an assessment that promotes accountability and transparency between the HR LOB providers and.

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