Nationwide Network Of Expert Engineers. Unlimited Call-outs With No Surprise Repair Costs. Open 3Days A Year. If you have a laundry problem, just give us a call and we can discuss the fault with you.
Door not opening, not spinning, clunking noise, unable to select the right cycle – book a repair before the washing piles up. Working alongside the major manufacturers including Hotpoint, Indesit, Hooverand Beko, we have a dedicated professional team of Service Engineers and office staff ready to help fix your appliance , whatever the problem. Wakefield is a city located in West Yorkshire, England.
Support Available 3Days A Year. Our Engineers Are Here to Help You. This website uses cookies, which cannot be used to personally identify you. Running col grinding noise, drum not spinning – stop having to hang your washing on radiators with a low-cost repair. Our rates are highly competitive and repairs are carried out by our network of reliable and experienced local engineers.

We will always send an engineer that has experience repairing your specific make of washing machine. Get in touch with us for more details. If you want to buy Used and reconditioned home appliances such as use ex-display, graded or refurb washing machines, washer dryers, fridge freezers and cookers, this is right place for you.